The Niagara Rapids are committed to offering club volleyball opportunities to as many athletes as possible. Competing on a team develops not only athletic skill but teaches commitment, discipline, perseverance and sacrifice. Being on a team also instills a sense of belonging and builds confidence. Last season, Rapids offered 23 teams that competed within the OVA competition structure. With this broad range of teams, there is an avenue for many athletes to participate at different levels of competition. There is a tryout process where teams are organized according to skill level, experience and athleticism. (see below for team designations)

Looking for Coaches for the 2018/2019 season
We are looking for both experienced and novice coaches. Rapids players are currently competing on youth national, provincial and regional teams and we are looking to increase that trend by providing the most experienced Head Coaches and Assistant Coaches we can find. Rapids alumni are on scholarship and competing for their respective universities and colleges both in Canada and in the States.
We are also looking to develop the first- time coach who has a passion for the game. Coaches should be positive and encouraging and committed to developing a team culture. The Rapids Technical Director will oversee coaching development and be a resource for both the novice coach and the experienced coach. Both Head Coach and Assistant Coach positions are available. Honorariums are available for both Head Coaches and Assistant Coaches.

No matter what your experience level, there is a place for you at the Rapids.

Rapids Legend Teams
Legend coaches work with the Rapids High Performance Teams. Most of our Legend teams are competing within the OVA Premier Division. In some age categories, there are two Rapids teams at the OVA Premier level of competition. Practices will be fast paced and demanding. Coaches will know how to get the most out of their athletes. Expectations:
• practice 2 times a week with a possible 3rd practice
• be available for position specific training clinics
• compete in 8 tournaments – 4 OVA tournaments and 4 exhibition or age-up tournaments
• participate in Brock Sports Performance training sessions
• compete at Ontario Championships
• 15-18u teams will participate in at least one US tournament and showcase.
• Nationals are optional
We are looking for coaches who have the ability/experience to push these athletes to compete and to develop them for the university and college level of play. Join us in the pursuit of excellence!!

Rapids Summit Teams
Summit coaches are pushing their athletes to the next level of excellence. Coaches are committed to skill development and know how to provide the maximum number of touches in a practice. There will be a strong competitive component in the practice. Summit athletes are strong athletes who may not have the experience (yet) to play on a Legend team but have the determination and tenacity to fight for their team’s success and their own personal development. Summit coaches have a solid foundation in skill development and have high expectations of their athletes individually and as a team. Summit coaches understand that they are developing
players to compete for Legend team positions in the following season. There is a slim possibility for a Summit athlete to be pulled up to a Legend team during a competition season.
• practice 2 times a week with a possible third practice
• be available for position specific training clinics
• compete in 6-8 tournaments – 4 OVA tournaments and 2-4 exhibition or age-up tournaments
• physical training sessions are strongly encouraged
• compete at Ontario Championships
• participation in US tournaments are strongly encouraged but optional
• Nationals are optional
We are looking for coaches with the ability to develop strong technical skills, who see potential and can build the confidence of their athletes. Coaches will have the ability to practice with new and experienced players.

Rapids Rival Teams
Rival coaches are good motivators and are able to define success in such a way as to build confidence into their Rapids athletes. Coaches will stress fundamentals and a competitive attitude in order to propel their teams to success. Strong communication skills are a must and coaches will work to bring unity to a diverse group of athletes. The training and touches on a Rapids Rival team will give athletes a strong advantage when trying out for their school team.
• practice 2 times a week
• be available for training clinics
• compete in 5 -7 tournaments – 4 OVA tournaments & at least one extra exhibition or age-up tournament
• physical training sessions are optional
• compete at Ontario Championships
• participation in US tournaments are optional
• Nationals are optional
We are looking for coaches with a strong interpersonal skill set. The Rival coach has high expectations of progress during the season and can set attainable goals throughout the year to monitor that progress.

Rapids Surge Teams
Surge coaches are at the heart of the Rapids inclusive play philosophy and are valued for their passion and commitment. A strong knowledge of the basics is a must. Coaches will know how to build a positive environment in practice where mistakes are recognized as an integral part of the learning process. There are high expectations for this team in terms of skill progression throughout the year. Coaches will recognize that the social component is essential and will work to build a strong team identity.
• practice 2 times a week
• be available for training clinics
• compete in 5-7 tournaments – 4 OVA tournaments and 1-3 exhibition or age-up tournaments
• physical training sessions are optional
• compete at Ontario Championships
• participation in US tournaments are encouraged
• Nationals are optional
We are looking for coaches who are strong motivators. Surge coaches will recognize the value of participation and embrace the philosophy that being a part of a team contributes to the whole development of a young person.