Welcome to the Rapids 2023 -2024 Season!!

Rapids Philosophy

We believe that competing on a team develops not only athletic skill but teaches commitment, discipline, perseverance, builds confidence and instills a sense of belonging. The Rapids club welcomes all athletes!! We offer multiple teams in each age division. This allows athletes to participate on a high-performance team, as well as providing opportunities for a broad range of experience and skills on a competitive team.

We are committed to providing a great team experience for all!!

Rapids High Performance – (HP) Coaches 15-18u

• Coaches are actively working towards completing additional certification (outside the OVA-mandated courses) that would include development, Advanced Development, and Performance Coach certification.

• HP coaching staff have extensive and emerging backgrounds in coaching, which
can include – Coaching or playing at the post-secondary, provincial, and/or national level; coaching at the club level for an extensive period of time; as well as contributions to volleyball in the community that can encompass all aspects in youth sport development.

• All A teams will be designated as High- Performance teams. B team coaches can choose to be a High-Performance team if they feel it’s a good fit for their athletes as well as their required criteria. Teams that will join will be announced prior to tryouts.

Rapids Competitive (COMP) Coaches 12u -18u

• Coaches will have completed all OVA-mandated courses and requirements.

• Coaches are not subject to but can continue to develop their skills by attending open gyms of performance teams, using resources provided to them by the club, as well as Professional Development (PD) opportunities that are made available.

• Introduction to provincial programming and opportunities with regional programs, indoor and beach training, as well as other OVA programs offered that are open and available to attend.

• Consistently learning to apply age and level-appropriate statistics, video analysis,
and practice/season planning.

• Potential to work with a mentor coach at times in the season to continue to learn
and grow as a head or assistant coach.

Athlete Fees for the 2023 – 2024 Season

Athlete fees will vary depending on a team either being designated as a High-Performance Team or a Competitive team. Each team will have TWO (2) fees that include a base club fee and their team fee. The team fee will include any additional features coaches would like to add into their program. This could include extra tournaments, nationals, team events, and other additional features listed below.


Competitive Team Fees
Club Fee: $1450.00
Team Fee: Based on Head Coach discretion.
Competitive Club Fee Includes
• Athlete membership with Ontario Volleyball
• Beach season membership is included
• Two (2) Practices per week
• Four (4) x OVA Tournament Registration Fees
• Provincial Championship Registration Fee
• Athlete Swag Package
• Jersey & Shorts
• Rapids Equipment
• Club Administration Expenses
• Coaching Honorariums
• Rapids Kick Off Tournament (October 14th)
o Athletes and parents will learn to line & score -some OVA age groups require athletes
to line and score in their off game in pool play

Each Competitive team will have a unique team fee that will reflect the number of additions/events a
coach chooses to include in their team package.
Competitive Team Fee WILL include:
• Coach’s accommodations for any overnight tournaments (mandatory)
Competitive Team Fee CAN Include:
• Age Up Tournaments (optional)
• Additional Exhibition Matches/Tournaments (optional)
• National Championships (optional)
• USA Tournaments 1-2 (optional)
• Additional HP features coaches may choose to include (see HP additional list)


High-Performance Team Fees
Club Fee: $2050.00
Team Fee: Based on the Head Coach discretion.

High-Performance Club Fee includes all of the same features as the Competitive Club fee with the addition of:
• 3rd practice per week (in high school off-season)
• Strength and Conditioning Training at Iron Performance Center (IPC: 1-2 Sessions per week)
Each HP team will have a unique team fee and will reflect the number of additions/events a coach chooses to include in their team package.

High-Performance Team Fee WILL include:
• Coach’s accommodations for any overnight tournaments (mandatory)

High-Performance Team Fee CAN Include:
• Age Up Tournaments : 3-4 additional tournaments (expected)
• Additional Exhibition Matches/Tournaments (optional)
• National Championships (optional)
• USA Tournaments 1-2 (expected for girls, optional for boys)
• Hudl: Sports Video platform that stores, cuts, stats, and provides analysis for teams
• Sports Psychology sessions
• Nutrition sessions
• Additional features coaches may choose to include


There are two 10-week programs (Fall and Winter) that will be provided for setters and liberos. There will be additional positional clinics offered by various Rapids coaching Staff. All HP sessions will be an additional cost to the athlete.