Frequently Asked Tryout Questions
1. Where can I find the 2024/2025 Tryout Schedule?
• The tryout schedule is posted on the Niagara Rapids website
• Check the schedule before each tryout to confirm the date, time and location.
• Additional tryouts may be added and changes may be made to the schedule.
2. There are multiple tryout dates listed for each team. How many do I attend?
• Please attend all tryouts listed for your age group.
• This ensures that coaches have multiple opportunities to see your skill, attitude and experience in the gym.
• Offers will be sent out during the entire tryout schedule for your age group.
• If you have to miss a tryout, please email However, there is a possibility that if you miss a tryout, coaches will assume that you are no longer interested in trying out.
3. How are teams decided?
a) Evaluators: There are numerous evaluators at each tryout to give unbiased feedback to the coach.
b) Previous Athlete Evaluation: All returning players will have a previous season coach’s evaluation.
c) Round Table Discussion: Coaches and Evaluators will meet to discuss each athlete. Information that will be shared: tryout evaluation, previous season evaluation, summer camp evaluation, open gym evaluation, attitude at tryouts, skill level at tryouts, and physical testing (if applicable) at tryouts.
4. I’ve not played on a club team previously. How will I be evaluated?
We do not expect athletes attending tryouts to be experienced volleyball players. We are looking for raw athletes to train. If you are new to the sport, that will be noted on your tryout profile. You will not be judged against the skill of experienced players but rather on athleticism, coachability, energy, attitude,
5. How will I be notified if I make a team?
• You will receive an email at any time during the tryout process with an offer for a team.
• Everyone who has signed up for tryouts will receive an email – either with an offer letter, an invitation to attend a further tryout or an invitation to attend house league.
• If you do not receive an email, please contact Beth Schulz:
OVA Tryout Policy
September 6th – Tryouts Process Begins
• Clubs are permitted to present offers to athletes who attend tryouts at any time.
• Athletes can return offers at any time; however, all offers must be honoured until the date and time
indicated below.
September 16th, 2024 @ 11:59pm – 18U and TLS offers expire.
September 17th, 2024 @ 11:59pm – 17U and 15U offers expire.
September 18th, 2024 @ 11:59pm – 16U offers expire.
• All Offers must be presented on the OVA Offer Form with the following information: Club Name, Head
Coach, Team Name, Age Division and expected base club fee.
• Clubs are permitted to continue to hold additional tryouts to fill any open spots on their rosters after
these offer dates have passed.